California Instruments (AMETEK Programmable Power Inc.)
AC Power Sources
AMETEK Programmable AC Power and Regenerative Grid Simulators provide various voltage, current, and power for simulating AC mains and line fault conditions, from compliance test systems to rack-mounted industrial power subsystems.
Choose from single and three-phase AC power sources with power levels ranging from 500VA to 1.08MVA for design validation, production, and education in the lab, R&D test and measurement, avionics testing, inverter testing, arbitrary waveform generation, bulk power and power conditioning applications or automated testing applications.
The Elgar and California Instruments line includes advanced AC/DC power sources with complex waveform generation and precision measurements and more basic AC and AC/DC power supplies for simpler applications.
Choose from single and three-phase AC power sources with power levels ranging from 500VA to 1.08MVA for design validation, production, and education in the lab, R&D test and measurement, avionics testing, inverter testing, arbitrary waveform generation, bulk power and power conditioning applications or automated testing applications.
The Elgar and California Instruments line includes advanced AC/DC power sources with complex waveform generation and precision measurements and more basic AC and AC/DC power supplies for simpler applications.