Engineer PTZ-41: ESD Plastic-Tipped Tweezers

รหัสสินค้า : Engineer PTZ-41


THB 610.00

ราคารวม THB 610.00



For more information contact : Ratmanee Dungkumrat Tel. 08-9810-3055

* Warranty 1 year. (Machine only) * Please check prices again.

Static safe, mild contact - with soft spring action

  • ESD-Safe tip recommendable for handling static sensitive components, plastic, lens, etc. (Surface Resistivity: 1x10E5 to 10E7 ohm)
  • Holding the object softly without any possibility of damage, unlike metallic tweezers
  • Anti-magnetic body including stainless steel shank
  • Anti-acid chemical resistance 
  • High wear-resistant and replaceable tip
  • Heat resistance tip up to 270 centigrade (ASTM D648)

* The above-mentioned temperature is not to guarantee performance of tip against heated object.