Gossen METRACLIP EARTH: Clamp Meter for Measuring of Ground Loop Resistance, Loop Inductance, Touch Voltage and Leakage Current

รหัสสินค้า : Gossen M312N


THB 128,900.00

ราคารวม THB 128,900.00


Download Technical Datasheet

For more information contact : Jirayu Thaiprasert Tel. 08-3823-7933, Disorn Wanglapamnuay Tel. 09-8361-0481

* Warranty 1 year. (Machine only) * Please check prices again.

The earth clamp meter can be used to test the resistance of any conductive system which demonstrates loop characteristics.

  • Compact and user-friendly - One-hand operation thanks to minimal weight and easy to open clamp with spring force compensation
  • Large OLED display: up to 3 measured values can be read simultaneously
  • Clamp opening Ø 35 mm max.
  • Minimal influence due to interference current
  • Measured value memory for resistance and leakage current, each with date and time
  • Extremely safe thanks to CAT IV 600 V