Comark RF500A/RF600A: Wireless Monitoring
รหัสสินค้า : Comark RF500A/USA
ราคา |
THB 220,220.00 |
จำนวนที่จะซื้อ | |
ราคารวม | THB 220,220.00 |
Download Technical Datasheet
For more information contact : Wichai Tantipimkul Tel. 08-1934-2570, Itthichote Tansenee Tel. 08-0927-9917
* Warranty 1 year. (Machine only) * Please check prices again.
Key benefits include
- Accuraterecordswithoutcompromise
- Securemulti-useraccesstodata viatheinternetatanytime
- Alarmnotificationviaemail, phoneorSMS
- Transmittersthatarewaterproofand accurate,andhavealongbatterylife
- Compliancewithlegislativeand regulatoryrequirements
- Plus,it’seasytoinstall,useandmaintain
The system achieves unprecedented levels of efficiency and reliability through its use of the latest low-power RF technology with built-in mesh networking, and transmitters with bi-directional communications.