Fluke Networks LinkIQ™ Cable + Network Tester
รหัสสินค้า : Fluke Networks LIQ-100
ราคา |
THB 118,001.00 |
จำนวนที่จะซื้อ | |
ราคารวม | THB 118,001.00 |
Download Technical Datasheet
Download LIQ-100 Testing Function, LIQ-100 Report Sample
For more information contact : Somkiat Niyomwan Tel. 08-5812-2182, Montree Vitoontus Tel. 08-4659-4371
* Warranty 1 year. (Machine only) * Please check prices again.
The LinkIQ™ Cable+Network Tester is the trusted solution to verify cable performance up to 10G and solve network connectivity problems.
LinkIQ™ validates cable performance using frequency-based measurements to calculate maximum bandwidth (10BASE-T to 10GBASE-T), which ensure that tested links meet performance requirements.
LinkIQ™ also performs ping tests to verify connectivity and provides nearest switch diagnostics including advertised data rate, switch name, IP address, port number and VLAN information, plus PoE testing and load test up to Class 8 (90 W). Ethernet Alliance PoE Certified for reliable multivendor interoperability.
Additional features include: Cable Toning, Port Blink, Remote Office Locators, and the ability to manage results via LinkWare PC.
Key features
Check out the LinkIQ Virtual Demo
- Validate Cable Performance up to 10GBASE-T via frequency-based measurements
- Get connected switch data rate, switch name, IP address, port number, and VLAN
- Detect the PoE class (1-8) and power, and perform a load test
- Test connectivity to TCP/IP network through IP configuration and ping