Metrel MI 3108: EurotestPV

รหัสสินค้า : Metrel MI 3108 ST


THB 108,800.00

ราคารวม THB 108,800.00



Download Technical Datasheet

For more information contact : Jirayu Thaiprasert Tel. 08-3823-7933, Disorn Wanglapamnuay Tel. 09-8361-0481, Itthichote Tansenee Tel. 08-0927-9917

* Warranty 1 year. (Machine only) * Please check prices again.

  • Calculation of STC values: the measured current and voltage values are, according to environment conditions, recalculated to Standard Test Condition values which makes possible, to compare the results even if they were taken under different test conditions.
  • Graphical representation: the I-V characteristic of PV module or string is graphically represented on LCD display.
  • Power and efficiency measurements: 2 voltage & 2 current channels for simultaneous AC & DC parameters measurements.
  • PV Remote Unit: Optional unit for simultaneous measurements of solar irradiation and temperature of PV module.