Metrel MI 3295: Step Contact Voltage Measuring System

รหัสสินค้า : Metrel MI 3295 ST


THB 305,000.00

ราคารวม THB 305,000.00



Download Technical Datasheet

For more information contact : Jirayu Thaiprasert Tel. 08-3823-7933, Disorn Wanglapamnuay Tel. 09-8361-0481, Itthichote Tansenee Tel. 08-0927-9917

* Warranty 1 year. (Machine only) * Please check prices again.

Key features

  • Accurate: high accuracy of the measurements due to a high current of up to 50 A and effective suppression of noise.
  • Noise immunity: excellent immunity even against changing earth currents.
  • Autonomous Step Voltage meter: no need for long potential leads; a few meters can be used simultaneously.
  • Safe: high safety due to low output voltage (55 V).
  • Low weight: the weight of the Station is 29.5 kg only.
  • Memory: up to 1000 test results can be saved into the 3-level internal memory of the system.
  • PC SW Metrel ES Manager or HVLink PRO included in the standard set enables downloading and analysis of results and printing of test reports.