Metrel MI 3132: EV Tester

รหัสสินค้า : Metrel MI 3132


THB 122,400.00

ราคารวม THB 122,400.00



Download Technical Datasheet

For more information contact : Jirayu Thaiprasert Tel. 08-3823-7933, Disorn Wanglapamnuay Tel. 09-8361-0481

* Warranty 1 year. (Machine only) * Please check prices again.

MI 3132 EV tester is a portable, battery powered test instrument with excellent IP protection and designed especially for electric vehicle testing. The instrument support the latest standard UN ECE R100 Annex 4A, 4B, intended for measurement of insulation resistance for electric vehicle. The instrument is ergonomic in design with intuitive user interface, encompassing a memory organizer and fully programmable AUTO SEQUENCEs, managed through a large colour touch screen display. Besides those, the instrument supports a wide range of tests and measuring functions, including 2 A Micro Ohm measurement, on-line voltage monitoring, insulation test up to 1500 V, as well as functional and visual inspections.

Key features

  • Insulation resistance measuring according to UN ECE R100 measuring using internal DC source;
  • Performing accurate four wire measurements with Kelvin clamps and up to 2 A measuring current;
  • Settable duration and current direction (unidirectional or bidirectional) in the Micro Ohm measurement;;
  • Insulation range: wide range of insulation test voltages from 50 V to 1500 V, resistance measuring range up to 3 GΩ;
  • Overvoltage category 1000 V CAT III;
  • 4.3’’ colour LCD display with touch screen;
  • Programmable AUTO SEQUENCEs;
  • High degree of protection for outdoor use and rough environment;
  • DC resistance measurements;
  • Support for single or automated measurements;
  • Built-in charger and rechargeable Li-Ion batteries as standard accessory;
  • BT communication with PC, via built-in BT module;
  • PC SW Metrel ES Manager for measurement pre and post processing: preparation of the test structure, result download, tree-view, table view and graphical view, storing and printing..